The tall-tale explanation usually would be laughable, but in the case of Duvall, it might actually be believable. I was talking to a member of the O.C. legislative delegation when the story broke Wednesday and that lawmaker suggested that,Boulder County Coroner Emma Hall ruled that Jessica Dillon, given Duvall's personality, he might have been telling a whopper. Duvall is a gregarious,emu uggs,gen19507, back-slapping, story-telling son-of-a-gun – a nice-seeming blowhard who loves to tell fanciful stories. So it's almost plausible that this aging assemblyman with the body of a turnip fabricated an affair with a younger hottie to impress the boys in the figurative locker room. Sacramento politics is reminiscent of college or high-school politics – with its petty back-biting,2 6[ 492C865 H, fleeting allegiances,black ugg, endless posturing and boasting – except that the big men (and women) on campus control a budget of more than 100 billion bucks!

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